Thursday, September 11, 2014

What did you say?

If your students are like mine, then you know how fidgety they can get sitting in their seat while we go over skills. For a change of pace, we did a fun activity to practice an otherwise boring skill: Types of Sentences!

I gave each student a sticky note labeled with a sentence type (declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory) to place on their forehead. The students weren't allowed to look at their own label. Students were then encouraged to "mill" around the room and find a partner or actually several partners. They would then read the label on their partner's head silently and give an example of the sentence type. For example, if their partner's label read exclamatory  they would say an exclamatory statement and their partner would then try to guess the sentence type label they had. Then they would switch roles and move on to other students.

At the end of the activity (after most students have had a chance to find various partners) each student would find their own label on the wall and form a group. Each group then explained to the whole class what their sentence type was, what kind of end mark it had and give an example. The kids had a blast! :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Anchors Away Monday (Plot)

Happy Labor Day! Hope you all are enjoying your day off (or getting ready to start school if you haven't went back already)! I'm linking up with Deb from Crafting Connections for her Weekly Anchors Away Monday!

 We started school two weeks ago and it has been crazy busy since! The saying, "There is no tired like teacher-tired at the beginning of  the year!" couldn't ring more true!  I've been exhausted for the past couple of week and we still don't have everything running smoothly at school yet. Schedules are a nightmare (hopefully, this will be completed soon) and getting into the swing of things is grueling! BUT, it will get better! Hopefully... :)

This week my reading class will be focusing on plot! This is one of the anchor charts I plan to use as well as a video clip to help students understand the important aspects of plot!

I also plan to use this video clip from

This is a GREAT site for quick teaching clips! 


I plan to combine these two activities with their interactive notebook in order to teach plot! We will be revisiting the story Because of Winn Dixie this week in order to dig deeper into the text! 

Have a Fantastic Labor Day!!!

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